Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Trainings

Black Lives Matter New Hampshire strives to bring education to the community by providing training within diversity, equity, inclusion and justice within organizations, schools, and other local groups. 

Our programs aim to provide concrete ways to engage in respectful and positive interactions in all settings while reducing discrimination and prejudice based on factors such as gender, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, age, religion, physical and mental ability, and socioeconomic status.

Training can be completed virtually or in person. Please contact our Racial Equity Team at deij@blmnh.org for training costs per hour. Training Dates should be scheduled at minimum 4 weeks prior to the date in need. Training is subject to cancellation fee of $50 if cancelled within 2 weeks of the scheduled event. 

Once training program is agreed upon, please complete this document to finalize contract and payment options.

Training title and hours listed below.

Training Titles and Hours

  • Understanding Implicit Bias (1-2 hours)

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (2-3 hours)

  • Bringing DEI to your organization (3-4 hours)

  • Allyship (1-2 hours)

  • Intersectionality and Marginalized Groups (2-3 hours)

  • Resources for DEI (Written materials provided)

  • BLM Seacoast Presentation (1 hour)

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